Monday, February 25, 2008

Random Post

I am so sick of the winter I could scream!!!! I just want to get out of my house and feel the warm sunshine. Abby and I have been walking in the 30 degree weather for longer than I like. I look at the weather in jackson each morning and it is like 70 degrees everyday! We are all very jealous.

My Mom is coming next week and i am so excited. Abby has music class one of the mornings my mom is here so that should be fun. I hope it warms up a little and we can go to the zoo. I always feel a little better when my mom is around.

Last night for about an hour there were police, police dogs, and a helicopter flying over our house. The lights were shining in our house and it was very loud. Abby thought it was very cool....I did not think it was so cool. I found out a lady had been assaulted down the street in my neighborhood!!! This was the third assault this weekend in pretty busy areas. They did not catch the guy. Needless to say I am very upset. This is like my worst fear in the world. I get scared in my house very easy. I now have to change the route I walk on and stay on the main street. I really don't like these kind of people!!

1 comment:

The Ueltschey's said...

I am so sick of the winter too! I love the summer and being able to be outside is so much more fun then being cooped up indoors. I am sorry about the assault in your neighborhood!! Be safe!