Monday, February 04, 2008

Things coming this spring

I have been looking forward to the spring with all the things we get to do and birthdays to celebrate! Abby's birthday is the 13th, valentines day, Guy's birthday is the 4th of march, easter, and my birthday is the 3rd of arpil. I love celebrating holidays and birthdays. There is something really cool about celebrating the day someone was born. I remember abby's birthday like it was yesterday. We are going to have a small party with pizza and cake on the 12th. I wanted to get her this elaborate cake but decided on a more simple cake.

Guy's parents are coming in two weeks and we are excited to see them. They got abby this kitchen for her birthday. I think she may pass out when she sees it! My Mom is coming on the 5th of march. I am so excited to see her! I don't know what i would do without my mom. I am hoping the weather is a little warmer so we can do some fun stuff outside.

Guy will be going to jackson soon for an interview. We are going to oxford at the end of april for double decker and for an interview. I have not been back to oxford in eight years. I can't believe it has been that long. My mom is coming with us so we will have some help. I am going to stay in jackson a couple of days after we get back from oxford so i can visit with my sweet friends.

We are trying to plan a trip to disney world in september. I would love anyones advice on things to do. I haven't been to disney world since 3rd grade. I really think abby will have a blast. there is a military hotel we can stay in for cheaper and military gets discounted passes. I think I may be more excited than anybody about this trip!

1 comment:

JWhite said...

Barrie -

I hear there is a really cute Princess Tea Party at Disney World. The little girls dress up like princesses and all the real princesses come and have a tea party... if Abby likes dress up, you should check it out!