Friday, July 25, 2008

Potty training

Abby has been potty training for the last couple of weeks. Abby is a very strong independent child, so I was really nervous about all of this. she has actually done ok. She is only in a diaper for nap and at night. She is dry with about two mistakes a week. We got some dora panies and that has been a hit. I have been telling her not to pee on dora...I know that is horrible but it has worked. Guy got her a book about dora going on the potty and that seems to have done some good. I know there will be some regression when jack gets here, but so far so good. I am so proud of her! I am really sad because it means she is getting older, and I miss my baby.

1 comment:

The Segrest Family said...

AWWWW! go abby! that is awesome... and as far as the panties, i say whatever works!!!! that's awesome about jack too!
yay for big babies =)