Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We went to our 2 month doctor visit yesterday. she got her shots and made it very clear she did not appreciate them one bit. I gave her tylenol every six hours yesterday to prevent a fever and help with the sore legs. I was really expecting her to be crabby, but she was a very sweet girl all afternoon. She laid in mey lap and held my hand while she took a really good nap. Abby weighed 12lb 6 oz and her height was 22 inches. She is in the 90th % on weight and the 75% on height. She is meeting her developmental milestones so far. Our doctor wasn't there so we had to meet with a nurse practitioner. He came into the room and didn't even introduce himself....needless to say it went downhill from there. I am not really sure if he went to nursing school. He did the worst assessment i have ever seen. I would go on and on but i won't bore you. I got home and wrote a very detailed letter about our visit to his boss. NOBODY MESSES WITH MOMMA!!! Guy and I know she is just fine, so we are not going to go in for another visit. She started interacting with us about two weeks ago. She will smile and chirp and make all these new faces. It really is so much fun to play with her! She has started developing a good schedule. She gets a bath, massage, about 45 minutes of rocking and reading a book then she goes down about 7. She still gets crabby when she is tired, but who isn't. We started calling her C.A.(crabby abby). Her usual nickname is peanut which she giggles to when i say it. All in all we are doing great. I can't wait to come to Jackson in June. I really miss everybody!


JWhite said...

I am in love with the pink polka dot dress below... too cute. Ellie and I are headed to the doctor today... i hope our visit is not as traumatic as ya'lls... I would probably write a letter, too!

The Segrest Family said...

thanks for the update! we all need to get together when you are in town with all of the babies! that would be soooo fun!!! (and i agree with jennifer- i would have DEFINITELY written a letter- i m about to write one to my pediatritian's office about the front desk staff!) =) mk

The Ueltschey's said...

Well, I dont know about babies doctors visits, but I think that you probably did the right thing about the letter. Glad to hear that Abby is doing well :) She is so cute! Keep the updates coming! :) I love all of her pictures!