Wednesday, March 15, 2006

March 14, 2006

Sh loves her baby einstein play gym.

She is really starting to get big. She has the most adorable fat rolls on her legs and arms.

She is trying so hard to hold her head up.

This past Saturday it was about 80 degrees so we all sat in the sun. I think I had Abby out for a little to long...she had a little sun on her cheeks.
Abby was worn out from playing in her bouncy seat. The only time she will take her pacifier is if she has been having a meltdown.

Guy's parents were Abby's third visitors. We were so glad they came to see the baby! They were such a big help to me so i could have a little break.

1 comment:

The Segrest Family said...

awww! she's so cute!!! thanks for the new posts!