Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March 1, 2006

A little update from Abby and her Mom. My hat goes off to women who go back to work!! Abby is a great baby during the day, but around 9pm this possesed child comes out who does not want to be asleep. She will have her eyes closed almost asleep and then wills her eyes back open as if she is going to miss something. We have had many nights up every 30-45 minutes to eat or change a diaper or rock or just stare at the ceiling. She really likes Jack Johnson so i am putting a cd player in her room. I had no idea how hard it was to take care of a baby. I am still breastfeeding, so guy can't really help at night. We don't do much during the day but nap, eat, and change diapers. I am amazed at how many diapers she goes through in one day. I understand why people told me to sleep while i was pregnant.....I don't think i am ever going to sleep through the night again. Although it is hard I can't express the way i feel at three in the morning when she has been screaming and starts to fall asleep, she gets this little smile and she will hold my finger until she goes to bed. I am just so happy to be her mother.


The Ueltschey's said...

She is so precious! I am so excited that you posted some new pictures. Thank heavens for mothers and godmothers, huh? I know that your mom and Jodie both hated to go. I can't wait to meet sweet little Abby! Thanks for the update and I hope that you get some sleep :)
Love, rebecca

The Segrest Family said...

sweet barrie! i can definitely identify with you! bless your heart. i will make you one promise: IT DOES GET BETTER!!! campbell is 5 months old now, and i am at work, (i went back at 8 weeks) now he sleeps from about 8pm to 7:30 am - usually only getting up once for a few minutes. but i remember him being 2-4 weeks old thinking, " i'm going to go crazy. i love this baby more than life, but he really is making me crazy!" i now appreciate my mom and other mothers SO MUCH MORE!!! hang in there!!! love you , mk

The Ueltschey's said...

We need some more pictures of Abby!!! Post some more, please!!! :)

Hope that you are both getting some rest and feeling better...
Keep us updated!