Thursday, September 18, 2008

36 week ob appt

I went to the ob last night and everything looks great. I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I had told Guy before we got there if I wasn't dialted I was probably going to start crying. I know it is silly, but after my experience with not dilating with Abby I was a little nervous. I have another check at 38 weeks and if I am dilated more I am going to get induced at 39 weeks. I am hoping that walking two miles everyday will help get things started. I can't believe my sweet baby jack could be here in three weeks...or earlier. I feel like I have everything ready. Guy keeps telling me to chill out that all I need is a bed, diapers, and stuff to feed him. I am really scared about the sleep issue. I hope he is healthyand happy.... and it would also be nice if he slept a little more than Abby.

1 comment:

jwhite said...

I wanna see the room! Did you get boy stuff? So excited for ya'll. I just know baby Jack is going to be perfect and sleepy :) At least you are much more prepared as Mommy this time!