Monday, September 25, 2006

A long over due update

We are finally here!!!! We got here last week and the movers brought our stuff on wednesday. We love our new townhouse! The area is great. There is a really big park with a pond just down the street. we have met some of our neighbors on our street and they are very nice. I feel like we are going to be unpacking forever. The movers broke almost every peice of our wood furniture and some of our glass table tops. We can't use the furniture that is broken, so clothes seem to be everywhere. We are just so happy to be in our home we will deal with the rest later.

Abby is so big!! She is 7 months old weighing in at 20lbs. She is in everything and crawling all over the place. She got both her bottom two teeth at the same time, and she looks so silly.We are going to have to baby proof the house asap. She is such a happy baby. She has been up a lot at night over the past week. We think it is from the moving around. I had to let her cry for an hour last night at about midnight. It was not a fun hour. Of course Guy slept through the event. She slept the rest of the night though. She just needs to get used to her crib and new room. I will have a bunch of pictures in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

The Segrest Family said...

yay! i cant wait to see the pictures of the house and abby's room