Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I went to the doctor today only to find out i have strep throat. I thought you couldn't get step throat if you don't have tonsills.....I guess I was wrong. I was like how am i supposed to take care of her when i feel so horrible. I had to get up twice last night to feed Abby and I couldn't swallow at all not even my own spit. I must say I was pretty miserable, but as soon as i saw my precious baby i forgot all about feeling sick. I went in to get Abby about 7 leaned over her crib and she gave me the biggest smile. She has been so sweet all morning even at the doctor there havn't been any tears. I am just so lucky to have Guy and Abby in my life! Every time I look at her she gives me this big smile and everything else goes away.


The Ueltschey's said...

Yikes!! I am so sorry, but I am glad that Abby can be a distraction from the pain! Hope that you get well soon!

The Segrest Family said...

it is the worst to be sick trying to take care of a baby! i had the stomach virus in the worst way a couple of months ago and it was AWFUL--- but i have a daycare to relieve me== i cant imagine how you feel there with no net to fall in when you are sick! bless your heart barrie! you are doing awesome!!!!! mk
ps- cant wait to see you in a few weeks! and to meet guy and abby!